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Monday, February 05, 2007

WAaa..hahahahaha..found my this blog..lol..sooo HHUU~~AAPPYY..yeah..lol..

花 月 の 歌 at 2:52 PM

eyes which don't know impurity look at me,

reflecting the forever endlessly continuing earth,

tracing the remains of my forgotten tears with a little finger

more about me


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u t a

雅 - Miyavi

| 雅 M Y V |

花 月 の LyricS


- Biography -

Name | Kazuki (midori)

Name in short | Kazu

Nicks | Meow Meow/Koneko/Neko/Nekoi

Gender | Female

Occupation | Artist

Birthday | April 29

Age | Himitsu desu^^

Origin | 3/4 Chinese 1/4 Japanese

Bloodtype | O

Hair Style | [This]but w/o color

Hair color | Dark brown

Eye color | Dark brown

Horoscope | Taurus

Height | 160cm~170cm

Weight | 50kg~60kg

Foot size | 39~41

Hobbies | So far..sleeping,drawing, singing, enjoying music

Special Talent | So far..sketching, singing, remembering music

Favorite Drinks | Plain Water, non-carbonate

Favorite Food | hmm..lots..all delicious food

Favorite Fruit | Orange(i cannot live without it)

Favorite Dessert | Tiramisu

Favorite color | Any color that goes well with black

Favorite types | so far see-> HIM, HIM, HIM & HIM

Favorite solos/bands | Miyavi,Dir en grey,Ryo,
Sadie,Kagrra,Do As Infinity,
Pierrot,Lynch, Nightmare,
Kaya,Malicemizer, Deathgaze,
Vidoll, Alice Nine,Hyde,
Saiyuki,Gackt, L'Arc~en~ciel..
insanely lots more..
(all not in order)

Interests | anime & manga (prefer shonen),drawing & looking at dojinshis,cross dressing,
jap rock, all rock genre,classical,R&B,rap,
musical opera,write lyrics,short stories,piano..hope guitar,violin too

Strong Point | Love arts

Weak Point | Worrying too much

15% information provided are not true (^.^) ______________________


.:Si hUi:.
.:Ang Wee Siong:.